
Lab news

“Admirável Novo Mundo”

Our lab is featured in “Admirável Novo Mundo”, a TV program in SIC about science. Do not miss the episode this Saturday evening, here.

New lab photo

We are 6! Missing in the photo is Joana, who is currently on mat leave

Welcome André!

André Salgado joins the team as a PhD in Bioinformatics and Computer Science (Feb 12). Welcome André!

Mariana has successfully defended her MSc. thesis

Our very own Mariana has successfully defended her MSc. thesis Clinical Nutrition with the title on “Lifestyle and Mediterranean Diet as co-determinants for the presence and severity of Intestinal Metaplasia” on Jan 29. She got an amazing 19/20 score!!

Welcome Catarina!

Catarina Milho joins our team as Lab & Project Manager on Dec 15. We’re so excited to have you on board Catarina!

First Lab Christmas lunch

First Lab Christmas lunch

Groundbreaking clinical study on Colorectal Cancer

Day 1 of our groundbreaking clinical study on Colorectal Cancer, and we've just enrolled our very first participant! Months of hard work have led to this moment. This study signifies hope, progress, and a commitment to improving public health.

Welcome Mariana!

Mariana Moreira, a nutritionist specialized in nutrition in oncology joins our team (Nov 16). Welcome Mariana!

Nó da Barriga

The website Nó da Barriga is now live! Check it out and let us know what you think. Our clinical study will be launched very soon, stay tuned!

The 2nd Microbiome Portugal Summit

The 2nd Microbiome Portugal Summit is happening in Lisbon on Oct 26-27, 2023 and Ana will be speaking about our research at the MicrobiomeHD Lab

Micróbios e cancro: o que sabemos?

Our PI, Ana was invited to discuss the latest research on “Microbes and Cancer” for the podcast “C4ncr0” on Oct 5th, 2023 Interview.

European Researcher’s Night 2023

How do microbes affect the health of the intestines? A scientist (our very own Ana Santos Almeida), a doctor, and a patient discussed this topic with the journalist Teresa Serafim in the Horizontes iMM session at the European Researcher’s Night 2023.

“Micróbios: os bons e os maus e um dia de celebração”

A nossa PI, Ana Santos Almeida, escreveu um artigo de opinião no jornal português O Público, a propósito do Dia Internacional do Microorganismo. Artigo.

We are 3! Welcome to our first MSc. student

Thrilled to introduce Joana Serpa, nutritionist and soon-to-be mom, who is undertaking her MSc. thesis on the impact of the Mediterranean Diet and CRC incidence.

O Futuro do Futuro podcast

Our PI, Ana Santos Ameida, was invited to share her views on antibiotic resistance in bacteria and their impact on health and the environment. (interview in Portuguese)

Welcome to our first team member!

Dr. Rita Sousa, a superwoman gastroenterologist at Hospital da Luz Lisboa and mom of 2, has joined the Microbiome HD team as a PhD student, becoming our inaugural team member! She is going to be pursuing her PhD in early onset CRC. Welcome, Rita!

The Microbiome in Health and Disease Translational Lab officially opens its doors on May 1st

The day has finally arrived! The Microbiome in Health and Disease Translational Lab is officially starting. We are recruiting, so get in touch!